Last boss of L55 MoF hard to target soul cages

Hi, I’ve died quite a few times now on the last boss of the L55 MoF. I am running a lunge/Warpath/DevOrb build, so naturally, im up close and personal. Targeting the Soul Cages (or w/e theyre called) that protect the boss is very difficult, and makes a rather greatly designed encounter (kudos devs / encounter design!) very frustrating. I could also just be bad, but thats how it feels :slight_smile: thanks!

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I think it has more to do with warpath targeting than soul cages. I personally have not had this issue but it could still be a thing. I know Warpath has issues with it though sometimes. Hope you make it through and Cheers!

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From my experience, when your cursor is somewhere outside of the arena, or close to the edge and you press any melee ability it just doesn’t activate. That is especially bad for Warpath, but all kinds of melee skills.

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noticed that myself too, this thread goes allmost about the same Monolith Of Fate Bossfight - Abomination

ich habe gemerkt das rüstung keine große rolle spielt erhöhe dein charakter level und irgendwann schaffst du jeden boss. ich finde diese mechanik broken

i noticed that armor doesn’t play a big role, increase your character level and at some point you can beat every boss. I find this mechanics broken

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