Just Saying Hello

Hello, All

I just found out about Last Epoch yesterday and decided to give it a try. I am liking it thus far and have found a few things worth mentioning as far as bugs, features, and general game-play. I will read through the forum posts and see if they have already been covered before I post anything. To be honest, I think the game is very fun and entertaining in its current state. I can’t wait to see it progress into release.

Glad to be here! :blush:

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Welcome @Swabbee glad you like the game. Keep the feedback comin and don’t look if there was a report for it just fire it up. New bug reports and feedback even on old topics will keep it fresh.

Howdy ho @Swabbee. I hope you have as much fun, enjoyment and challenge as I have had. Welcome!

Well, that will save some time, won’t it? :wink:

So so ;). First of all the devs take suggestions and feedback very seriously so they might be even happy if some topics pop up again and get discussed. New bug reports are always nice. Sure it’s more work to go through them but a new detailed report on a bug might help out while a “This bug happened to me as well!” is only helpfull if you keep strokes how often it happened ;). See… so so :D.

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Welcome to the community, @Swabbee!

Hello all guys :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome :slight_smile:

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