How is the performance of the Alpha right now?

Hello guys!
I am quite hyped for the game after watching some videos right now and so i am considering buying myself in into the alpha of the game. I heard there is a new huge patch so it seems there would be quite some playtime ingame.
My only consideration is, i dont know if my by the date more than 3 years old laptop is running the game. Some specs of my laptop:
Intel Core i7-4720HQ
GTX 960M/4GB
256 GB SsD

You guys think i would be able to run the game properly?
Thanks for your replies!


Hi there!

If you don’t mind, I’m going to move your thread outside of Technical Support.

The reason I’m doing this is that the forum makes new threads very prominent, however those posted in Customer Service, Technical Support, and Bug Reports are excluded as they’re generally not created for discussion. I’m not saying that you posted in the wrong place - I just think you’ll get more responses if the thread was placed elsewhere.

Performance is as you can expect with an alpha.

With your current setup, you’ll have in some areas terrible performance (~15-30 FPS). This is due optimization and will most probably be a lot better once we get into beta. Note that even some high-end setups struggle in some areas.

In most cases, I think you’ll be able to run the game properly, but expect a few FPS dips now and then, until we get some optimization patches.

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