Environment buffing/nerfing damage types

Would like to see maps buff or lower your damage depending on map your in. For instance if you enter a cold map like ice caverns you gain 25% increased cold damage and lose 25% fire damage. Same could go for defense. Gain 25% cold protection and lose 25% fire protection.

Thoughts and ideas?

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Me likey, though balancing might be difficult, you don’t want to completely **** over builds that specialise in a particular damage type/etc.

25% might be to large a number but implement and test will always find a balance

Sounds like a whole new endgame possibility.
-> Something like “Strange Epoch Series” with plenty of increasing mechanics like boardman21 suggested.

I would wreak this idea to the extreme for all kind of stuff.

Some worlds with elemental immunitys?
-> Yeah!

Some on you don’t have any armor/ward/GB/CA/max 500 HP/and so on?
-> Yeah!

On some of them there is only a handfull (maybe new and handselected ^^) selection of skills available, or vice versa.
-> Yeah!

On some of them you are only able to select 3 (not 5+) skills.
-> Yeah!

…and so on, it’s up to (y)our imagination…

No, immunities are bad. What if your void knight comes across a void-immune area? They’d be stuffed since the vast majority of their skills are void-based.

I’m all for giving them more protections, or rotating their bonus protections (kinda like D3’s Convention of Elements ring).

Isn’t this what protections are supposed to do anyway? Things in ice maps should have much higher cold resist and be “weak” to fire.

I have said it before. They don’t really filter monsters by map, but they should.

They also have monolith modifiers that increase void monsters void damage. They could do more like that. They REALLY need to filter monsters by map though. It is completely absurd to see ice monsters in a desert map.

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No, immunities are bad. What if your void knight comes across a void-immune area? They’d be stuffed since the vast majority of their skills are void-based.

That’s the thing, Void-based charakters should rearrange their setup then. The same goes for poison based ones on poisen immunitys and fire based for fire/elemental immunitys and so on.
→ I thought it just for a extra challange for each charakter. Some can handle this kind of worlds better, some the others. But on the end it’s a real thing to manage ALL worlds with every charakter - and profit.

But it’s ok, this could working without real immunitys and therefore with nearly max resist zones or something like that. :wink:

Except all of the Void Knight skills only do void damage & have no conversion nodes. Do you think a character should swap a skill with 20 points in it to a totally different skill with no points in it? Is that reasonable?

If you want extra challenge, you could just give the mobs 50-75% damage reduction to an element, that would feel significantly harder & expose the player to a lot more incoming damage.

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Don’t like these kind of things that screw or gimp builds. I’m really happy something like this isn’t implemented and would not like to see this in the future.

This will end in discussions about rng and bad luck with maps…

And if you add something to have control what map you can get, you’ll always choose the better one that fits your build. Fire mages will want to always play ice maps and vice versa.

Except all of the Void Knight skills only do void damage & have no conversion nodes. Do you think a character should swap a skill with 20 points in it to a totally different skill with no points in it? Is that reasonable?

Like i said, a pure Void Knight might have some trouble on a map like this. But he could choose to play a MP-Game with some elemental Mages or something to beat it.

On my imagination it could even be something like “Towers of Elements”, 30 Stages, on each Tower Stage the Monsters can ONLY be killed by void or poison or fire etc. damage. After each stage beaten you could choose something blessing-like: “1% increased void damage reduction” or “1% more void damage” or “1% increased echo chance” and so on.

And if you’re void-knight wanting this little buffs you could play with 4 friends, helping you out of your dilemma. On next tower you can help them out and so on.

My first post was intended to give some suggestions out of my imagination due to topic.
→ I just trying to bring some interesting ideas to this conversation. :wink:
(Nothing is final, i need none of it. But something of such things could be fun to play. ^^)

Not keen on anything that nerfs a character specifically, but I am all for Maps that have an underlying effect of some kind that match the type of map environment.

Could be as simple as a flat buff affecting everything in the map - floor is lava, poison is more ‘effective’ for mobs & characters etc. or more complicated like those areas the the arena map that damage you - maybe even have healing pools spread over a map… or even roaming poison clouds that cannot be dispelled/killed. Or even maps that debuff potion use or penalise teleport skills (half distance, longer cooldown).

So yes… keen on map based effects in addition to the existing mob effects.

On a similar note, I would really like maps and mobs to be better matched… From a cosmetic storyline/feel perspective as well as more practically. e.g. fire mobs in an ice map just irritates me regarding immersiveness.

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