Elemental Nova, Overcharge & Elemental Expanse nodes

I’m a bit confused about the above names node for Elemental Nova.

Overcharge gives you up to a 40% chance for an “overcharged” nova with increased size & shock chance & it does seem to be a bit larger, but not really 75% (as compared to 3 points in Elemental expanse which gives +90% area), and it does seem to trigger a bit under half the time, so that’s ok.

However, what it doesn’t seem to do is stack with Elemental Expanse which is a bit disappointing. Since Overcharged Novas are upgraded versions of the basic nova, why wouldn’t they benefit from the increased AoE from Elemental Expanse?

Or maybe it is (since I’m slightly outside of the AoE of a nova but the nova does sometimes hit the training dummy) but the maths isn’t quite right. As the area is increased by 90% for Elemental Expanse, the radius is therefore increased by 38% compared to the base nova. If they did stack then the area would be increased by 165% for an overcharged nova which would give an 18% increased radius compared to the Elemental Expanse’d nova & since it’s difficult to tell what the distances are in the game at the moment, it’s very hard to tell what’s happening.

TLDR - can anyone (ideally the devs) tell us if Overcharged novas are supposed to stack on top of the Elemental Expanse node (for anywhere up to 75% + 150% increased area)?

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