Earthquake range animation

Not sure if this is a bug but sometimes I feel like enemies are clearly in the range of EQ but they do not get hit but other times they do. This could maybe be a desync bug or the animation of EQ needs to be adjusted to make the range of the ability not seem so misleading.

In this image I am not actually in range to hit the dummy; half the animation of earthquake seems to not really speak to the actual hitbox of the ability.

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Thanks for the report!

If this is with a specialized Earthquake, could I please ask you for a screenshot of your specialization tree? The forum doesn’t accept image uploads, but you can post a link to Imgur.

I had 2 more points into Outbreak (maxed) when I was testing the range in this picture.

It seems like the visual effect for Ground Slam is the problem here, it’s bigger than the area the skill hits. I’m not sure if the visual is too big or the hit area is too small. We’ll look into this, thanks!

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