Couple of mage issues (Flame Reave, Focus)

Flame Reave Catalyst of Fire fireball procs don’t work with Embers on the fireball tree - tested for a couple of minutes and I’m convinced I only saw a single fireball fly out (if it matters, I was using Seeker’s Ash - I didn’t test without that)


Energy Infusion shows the same movement speed boost with 1 point or 5 points - feels like there is no difference in movement speed between them either

Null Profusion gives energy even when energy starts above 0 (Null Infusion also seems to work)

Thanks, I’ve noted these issues.

Energy Infusion only has a 1 point maximum for me-- this may have just changed since you reported this but check to be sure.

I was getting the energy infusion bonus before speccing into it, the other day. I then specced in to see if it improved, and it just stayed the same.

Thanks, I’ve confirmed this too.

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