Chat filter Patch 0.7H


The chat filter being implemented there are some bugs:


Action: Write any profanity(bad) word with a capital letter i.e Sex instead of sex

Expected result : Word is still filtered

Actual result : Word is not filtered anymore

This is a major bug in the chat filter.

Also we have found words that are filtered that we do not quite understand why such as:


And in the other side there are words not filtered such as


Will add to the list whenever more words are found if necessary.

Thank you.

Best regards,


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Yes sir. Your chat filter is ridiculous. We aren’t four years old. Treat your players like adults. Its borderline insulting.


You block the word stupid? And Butt? Common guys…

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Hi @Oupsimdead & @Stabthis,

Thanks for the post.

I’ve verified the bug and it’s on been added to our internal issue tracker.

We’ll look at the filter sometime in the future to review the words that are on it - and those that aren’t. It’s still quite busy here, so this may not be immediate. Filtering is client-side and we have done some of the initial work required to facilitate this being something users can toggle in the in-game settings menu, though finishing this isn’t currently seen as a priority.
@Oupsimdead & @Sirris: Please stop testing words a reasonable person would expect to be filtered which may not currently be. While you might find it amusing, others in chat may not.

I’m not quite sure I agree with this.

As it is, the chat filter is so poorly implemented that I almost wanted to suggest dropping it until you guys have the time to give it a proper pass. I fully understand why something like this is less of a priority, but a poor chat filter is almost as bad as a poor multiplayer experience to me.

But I stopped short of actually suggesting that because I realise you guys might value players testing the chat filter so that you can make it more robust. And clearly, we can stress test it better than any QA you can spend on it. And if we expect players to be reasonable about using chat, then there is no need for a filter.

So I thought you definitely want us to test it. But probably not continue to abuse it thereafter. @Sirris can be a troll sometimes, but he’s definitely in the tester camp rather than the abuser camp.


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