Can we have left and right mouse button be assigned to different skills?

Currently we can bind left mouse button to 5th skill and 5th skill is right mouse button.
This results for left and right click be same skill.
Could be good to choose what skill we assign to left mouse click.

Right now it’s not possible. Just recently devs added option to cast right mouse skill also with left click but in my honest opinion, it’s quite useless.

I don’t understand why they are making such a big deal to allow us bind skill on left mouse. Devs, please, just let us bind something on left mouse button. If you are worried about number of slots, just remove one slot for these, who choose this option. As far as I know you are in process of remaking UI, this is your best opportunity.

Go into settings and change key binding so right mouse button casts a skill from slot 1-4 instead of slot 5. hey pesto left click casts skill no 5 and right click casts skill no 1.

Didn’t try that but does this lock you from moving with left click button?

yes it works, but a bit confusing. (what you see as last skill on skills panel is interpreted as right mouse button but its not).
Better solution is to allow to bind left click to any slot and not 5 only.

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